Neuigkeiten von Alumnis

In der Zeitschrift Crescendo gibt Selina Ott unter dem Titel “Jazz ist Inspiration” Einblick in ihr musikalisches Leben.


Thank you for your interest in Musica Juventutis, we are glad you want to join!
Musica Juventutis serves three goals:​
  1. Finding and Fostering young Austrian music talents
  2. Hosting extraordinary concerts in Konzerthaus
  3. Presentation of rarely played musical masterpieces

→ See more about the club on Our Mission page.
The cost of the membership accounts to €30 p.a.

Private Donation

Musica Juventutis is Austria's first contact point for finding and promoting young musical talents. It is an independent club, organised on a voluntary basis which depends on sponsorships.
Your donations support our ongoing efforts in the promotion of young music talents. → Our Mission