Preisträger und Preisträgerinnen für die Konzertsaison 2022/2023 gekürt

Javus – StreichquartettDuo Minerva – Klarinette / AkkordeonTabea Mitterbauer – Gesang   Marlene Förstel – Violoncello   Hannah Ammann – VioloncelloKatharina Paul – Horn   Filip Senoner – TubaAlexander Svetnitzky-Ehrenreich – KlarinetteKerstin Steinbauer – OboeDuo Waldner/Lesjak – Querflöte / GitarreGregor Eisenhut – GesangQuART – Saxophonquartett Mitglieder der Jury Joji HattoriProf. Michael SchadeVahid Khadem-MissaghGerd Hermann OrtlerProf. Dieter FluryFranz BartolomeyJohann […]


Thank you for your interest in Musica Juventutis, we are glad you want to join!
Musica Juventutis serves three goals:​
  1. Finding and Fostering young Austrian music talents
  2. Hosting extraordinary concerts in Konzerthaus
  3. Presentation of rarely played musical masterpieces

→ See more about the club on Our Mission page.
The cost of the membership accounts to €30 p.a.

Private Donation

Musica Juventutis is Austria's first contact point for finding and promoting young musical talents. It is an independent club, organised on a voluntary basis which depends on sponsorships.
Your donations support our ongoing efforts in the promotion of young music talents. → Our Mission